Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Getting closer to a stay-at-home-mom dream!

June 9th is rapidly approaching...the start of an entire new world. I have never had the opportunity to be a stay at home mommy before. Johnathan is going to be 16 - so for 16 years, I have worked outside the home. Now, I have the chance to "just be a mom". I am still going to be in school, but my primary focus will be the kids and the household. It seems really weird to me. It even makes me nervous. I know that I am good at my job, but will I be good enough at home? I am trying to mentally prepare myself for the drastic change that is about to take place...the unknown is frightening, yet exciting...Can't wait to see what will be!

6/14/15 Update:  Re-reading some of these old entries and it makes me giggle.  Well, the whole 'stay-at-home-mom' thing lasted exactly 11 months.  The first month was full of sleeping in late, taking naps, day-time shopping trips; all the things I envisioned I would do being home, rather than working.  Well, I quickly realized a house can only be cleaned so many times! My mind is one that works best with multiple things going on at once.  The choas of a fast-paced work environment is more suitable for me, than being at home keeping the puppies company.  If the kids were younger at the time and not in school all day, I think it would have been a different experience.  Mark was such a good sport during that time.  He asked me to give it at least 6 months to adapt - I gave it almost a year before heading back to Wells.  I will say, I have the utmost respect for SAHM's- not only are you managing a household and all the details that comes with along with that task, but in may cases, you are pausing a career for a much more noble cause - your family.  I will also be grateful for the gift Mark gave me - the ability to find out what I believed I was missing out on all those working years! 

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